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Publisher Barbara Fay
Publisher Barbara Fay
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Bobbin Lace - to an fro by Claire Burkhard Bobbin Lace - to an fro by Claire Burkhard Fay 570 20.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Fiandra a tre paia by Diana Dussi Fiandra a tre paia by Diana Dussi Fay 1240 29.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Floral stars by Elfi Krüger Floral stars by Elfi Krüger Fay 1330 29.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Florale Herzen by Elfi Krüger Florale Herzen by Elfi Krüger Fay 1380 32.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Garden Dreams by Elfi Krüger Garden Dreams by Elfi Krüger FayGartentra 36.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Geklöppelte Schmetterlinge (butterflies) by Brigitte Bellon Geklöppelte Schmetterlinge (butterflies) by Brigitte Bellon Fay 300 24.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Geköppelte Vögel (Birds) by Ulla Fagerlin and Birgitta Hulterstr Geköppelte Vögel (Birds) by Ulla Fagerlin and Birgitta Hulterstr Fay 950 25.50€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Kleine Schmuckstücke in Chrysanthe-Technik by Hildegard Glös Kleine Schmuckstücke in Chrysanthe-Technik by Hildegard Glös Fay 510 15.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Klöppelmuster für Schals und Tischläufer by Brigitte Bellon Klöppelmuster für Schals und Tischläufer by Brigitte Bellon Fay 230 18.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Kunterbunte Klöppel-Ostereier by Annelies Kirst Kunterbunte Klöppel-Ostereier by Annelies Kirst Fay Kunterbu 12.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Light as a feather by Elfi Krüger Light as a feather by Elfi Krüger FayFederleic 34.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Neue Entwürfe in Chrysanthe-Technik by Hildegard Glös / Martina Neue Entwürfe in Chrysanthe-Technik by Hildegard Glös / Martina Fay 150 24.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Neue Weihnachtsklöppelmuster von Brigitte Bellon Neue Weihnachtsklöppelmuster von Brigitte Bellon Fay Neue We 28.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Nina & Co - Chantilly by Lieve Pollet Nina & Co - Chantilly by Lieve Pollet Fay Nina 28.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Pettersson Lace by Wivi-Ann Nordström Pettersson Lace by Wivi-Ann Nordström Fay 190 39.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Schonische Spitze by Wivi-Ann Nordström Schonische Spitze by Wivi-Ann Nordström Fay 980 19.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Small Motifs in Idrija Technique by Riet Delescen Small Motifs in Idrija Technique by Riet Delescen Fay 1850 28.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Spinnen, Spinnen, Spinnen by Hildegard Glös Spinnen, Spinnen, Spinnen by Hildegard Glös Fay 220 22.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
Spitzen und Einsätze by Brigitte Bellon Spitzen und Einsätze by Brigitte Bellon Fay 1160 22.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]
VARIATIONS IN TORCHON by Linda Valbjørn Olsen VARIATIONS IN TORCHON by Linda Valbjørn Olsen Fay 1100 22.00€
(incl. 7% VAT + shipping]

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