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De techniek van de Honitonkant De techniek van de Honitonkant 244 1074 22.00€
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De techniek van de Honitonkant De techniek van de Honitonkant 313 6120 21.00€
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Honiton Lace Patterns by Elsie Luxton Honiton Lace Patterns by Elsie Luxton 313 6121 21.00€
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Honiton Lace Patterns by Elsie Luxton Honiton Lace Patterns by Elsie Luxton 228 6572 25.00€
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Honiton Lace Patterns by Elsie Luxton Honiton Lace Patterns by Elsie Luxton 230 6873 24.00€
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Introduction to Honiton Lace by Susanne Thompson Introduction to Honiton Lace by Susanne Thompson 300 3989 21.00€
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Introduction to Honiton Lace by Susanne Thompson Introduction to Honiton Lace by Susanne Thompson 308 5362 20.00€
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New Designs in Honiton Lace . P.Perryman + C. Voysey New Designs in Honiton Lace . P.Perryman + C. Voysey 171 6729 24.00€
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Schmetterlinge (butterflys) by Ulrike Löhr Schmetterlinge (butterflys) by Ulrike Löhr 312 5990 10.00€
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The Technique of Honiton Lace by Elsie Luxton The Technique of Honiton Lace by Elsie Luxton 231 5633 24.00€
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The Technique of Honiton Lace by Elsie Luxton The Technique of Honiton Lace by Elsie Luxton 26 6031 23.00€
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The Technique of Honiton Lace von Elsie Luxton The Technique of Honiton Lace von Elsie Luxton 18 6849 20.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]

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bobbin 9,5 cm
bobbin 9,5 cm

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