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Cluny- / Bedfordshire
Cluny- / Bedfordshire
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Traditional Bedfordshire Lace byBarbara M. Underwood Traditional Bedfordshire Lace byBarbara M. Underwood 8 2087 24.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Traditional Bedfordshire Lace von Barbara M. Underwood Traditional Bedfordshire Lace von Barbara M. Underwood 16 7753 23.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Guipure kloskant von Annelie van Olffen-Spikermann Guipure kloskant von Annelie van Olffen-Spikermann 319_7342 16.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Centre d´Enseignement de la dentelle au Fuseau Medèlles Revus et Centre d´Enseignement de la dentelle au Fuseau Medèlles Revus et 24 4263 18.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Guipure kloskant by Annelie van Olffen-Spikermann Guipure kloskant by Annelie van Olffen-Spikermann 313 6116 18.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Guipure kloskant by Annelie van Olffen-Spikermann Guipure kloskant by Annelie van Olffen-Spikermann 24 4242 18.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Traditional Bedfordshire Lace (Lehrbuch) von Barbara M. Underwoo Traditional Bedfordshire Lace (Lehrbuch) von Barbara M. Underwoo 312 6708 18.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Traditional Bedfordshire Lace (Technique + Patterns )von Barbara Traditional Bedfordshire Lace (Technique + Patterns )von Barbara 237 5467 18.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Traditional Bedfordshire Lace von Barbara M. Underwood Traditional Bedfordshire Lace von Barbara M. Underwood 24 5925 18.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Bedfordshire Lace Patterns Bedfordshire Lace Patterns 288 5829 19.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Centre d´Enseignement de la dentelle au Fuseau Catalogue A3 Centre d´Enseignement de la dentelle au Fuseau Catalogue A3 24 4264 20.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Traditional Bedfordshire Lace (Lehrbuch) von Barbara M. Underwoo Traditional Bedfordshire Lace (Lehrbuch) von Barbara M. Underwoo 237 5466 20.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
Floral Bedfordshire by Ivonne Scheele-Kerkhof Floral Bedfordshire by Ivonne Scheele-Kerkhof 316 6909 21.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
A Bedfordshire Lace Collection von Barbara Underwood A Bedfordshire Lace Collection von Barbara Underwood 318 6944 24.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]
La Guipure du Puy 2 by Nathalie Hubert and Mick Fouriscot La Guipure du Puy 2 by Nathalie Hubert and Mick Fouriscot 42 5164 24.00€
(incl. 0% VAT + shipping]

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